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ABAP's President Explains Why Board Certification in Adolescent and Young Adult Psychiatry matters

To me, ABAP Certification presented an opportunity for me to further my career in Adolescent and Young Adult Psychiatry and to confidently treat teenagers and transitional age youth. In my situation, I did my general psychiatric training in the US Navy and spent many years working with military personnel largely in this age range, yet pursuit of fellowship training in child and adolescent psychiatry was not as high a USN priority in the mid 80's as was servicing the active duty personnel. Once I left the USN, I was the father of 3 young children and the need then was to settle down in an area that offered professional opportunities for my wife and me as well as safety and security for our growing family, not the pursuit of fellowship training and more moves! Later, first in an outpatient community mental health center setting, then as Medical Director of an Adolescent Unit & PHP and a consultant at a state juvenile justice residential program, and finally in an outpatient practice specializing in teen and college student mental health needs, Board Certification in Adolescent and Young Adult Psychiatry provided the assurance to parents and patients they needed in evaluating my credentials to care for their family members. It also established my credentials as a specialist in the field which enhanced referrals to our practice and led to a variety of consulting agreements at area facilities.

Through ABAP, I developed a network of mentors and colleagues in our affiliated parent organization, The American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry (ASAP). ASAP's annual scientific meetings provided the ongoing training I needed to remain up to date in the rapidly evolving field of Adolescent and Young Adult Psychiatry, and my affiliation with ASAP led to opportunities as Newsletter Editor and eventually service as ASAP's President in 2015-2016.

ABAP Certification offered legitimacy, confidence, training, mentorship opportunities (as mentee and now mentor), leadership, and practice growth for me. It can do the same for you. Contact me to discuss your interests and what ABAP might do for you!

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